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We are Kaspa's Magazine

We are a team of industry experts upholding Kaspa's vision and progress to be a stateless world reserve currency and an L1 for smart contract applications.


KASmedia's mission is three-fold. First, we publish in-depth research and articles on Kaspa and its financial markets, including distributed systems theory, Kaspa's philosophical history, on-chain data, its derivatives markets, and the mining industry. Secondly, KASmedia is a publishing company for Kaspa-related industry journalism and reporting; we aim to be the go-to source for all Kaspa news! Lastly, KASmedia will initiate public relations and business development efforts by hosting events (including world-tours) and marketing future Kaspa-related initiatives.


Furthermore, we foster a strong collaborative relationship with The Kaspa Ecosystem Foundation and Rhubarb Media, actively contributing to the growth and exposure of new talent and developers entering the Kaspa ecosystem space. This collaborative effort is a testament to our shared commitment and vision for the future of Kaspa.

Photo collage of team members

KasMedia Team

Meet the people behind KasMedia.

Chris avatar

Chris Wolf

CEO of KASmedia

Business Development Core for Kaspa 

Jennifer avatar

Jennifer Ghelardini

Research Analyst

Previously: Listings Research Analyst at Binance.US 
MBA from John Hopkins University

Shay avatar

Shay Shao

Lead Data Analyst

Previously: Researcher at UC Berkeley and Oasis Labs 
MS in Computer Science from UC Berkeley

iMalFect avatar


Web Developer 

KASmedia webmaster. Working on modern responsive web applications. 

Nicholas avatar

Nicholas Sismil

Director of Research

Previously: Listings Research Lead at Binance.US 
BA in Philosophy from UC Berkeley

Shai (Deshe) avatar

Shai (Deshe) Wyborski

Researcher and Writer

Ph.D in Quantum Cryptography from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 


Core Researcher for Kaspa

Chad avatar

Chad Ballantyne

Marketing and Design

Marketing Core at Kaspa 

Founder of Rhubarb Media

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